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  • 3,16 €

    Typical Campanian Shape, created in honor of Queen Mafalda of Savoy because it recalls the lace of the queen's garments.They are ideal with meat-based sauces, but excellent also broken with legumes.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Typical shape of the Campania tradition. On Sunday, the family gathered to "break" the candles so as to prepare them for cooking. They marry perfectly with the classic Neapolitan meat sauce, but they are also excellent in the oven

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    Long and thin with a round section. It recalls Italy in every part of the world and is ideal with any type of sauce!

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    The grooves retain the sauce and the helical rotation facilitates its arrival on the palate!

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    Linguine are similar to spaghetti but with an elliptical section, perfect with seafood or Pesto!Le nostre ricette:Linguine with shrimps Linguine with clams

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    Vermicelli have a thicker diameter than Spaghetti and they are a classic format of the Campanian tradition.Our recipes:Vermicelli carbonara Vermicelli with seafood Vermicelli with Ceatara's Ancovy Syrup

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Typical Campania style, originally they were produced by twisting the pasta through the "spindle" of the spinners. Now, thanks to the bronze drawing and their rough and porous surface they are the ideal format for tomato-based sauces.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Wide flat shape, bronze drawing and grooved lines allow it to "grip" at best meat sauces!

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Typical Campanian shape, it takes the form of the spindle to spin the wool and is perfect to collect any type of seasoning.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 14,00 €

    Our straws are made with a recipe that combines durum wheat semolina and water with a special process that allows us to obtain an ecological straw that perfectly replaces the plastic ones.

    14,00 €
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  • 2,46 €

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    Typical Campania shape, the name evokes an explosion of flavor! (Canneroni in italian sounds like Cannon)

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Small, "indented" to collect the sauce, ideal with pesto sauce

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Typical Campania shape, they resemble squid rings and in fact are very well combined with first courses based on fish

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Shorter shape of striped necks, ideal for pasta salads

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 2,46 €

    Thanks to the arched shape, it is perfect with thick sauces.

    2,46 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    The porosity of its surface and the internal groove make this format excellent for any type of sauce

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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Showing 1 - 20 of 89 items