Gnocchetti sardi with saffron and Roman Broccoli



 4 serves

Gnocchetti sardi 320gr
Roman Broccoli 1 (c.a 700 gr)
Saffron pistils 8 (or 30 gr powder)
Flakes of almonds 30gr
Whole almonds 10gr
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100 cl.
Garlic 1 clove




Cut the Roman broccoli into pieces and wash it. In a saucepan put the oil and fry the garlic, add the broccoli and cook for 10 minutes.
Put the saffron pistils into a mortar and reduce in powder than add a couple of tablespoons of water.

Cook the “Gnocchetti” in salted water.

Drain “al dente” and pour into the saucepan adding the saffron and the flaked almonds.

Garnish with whole almonds.

Cooked by Acquario Blu